Privacy Policy

This privacy statement outlines how the company Kavet collects and processes personal data from the website

The data controller for personal information is the managing director of Kavet SIA.

This statement provides you with information to which you are entitled when data is collected from our website Additionally, the statement provides general information on how we process personal data and what rights you have as a data subject.

Purpose of Processing:
Website statistics using cookies: Cookies are small text files placed in the browser on the computer you use when visiting Your consent to the use of cookies can be changed in your browser. How to manage cookies (

Kavet collects personal information falling under the category of online identifiers, including cookie identifiers, IP addresses, device identifiers, and customer identifiers.

Processing Purposes:
To gather statistics and reports to improve and further develop the information offering on the website. Examples of what the statistics respond to include how many visit different pages, how long visits last, which websites users come from, and which browsers are used.

The data is processed in anonymized and aggregated form. Anonymization means that we cannot trace the data we collect back to the individual user. We collect the full IP address, but the address is anonymized as soon as it is technically possible. Anonymization occurs by replacing the last octet in IPv4 addresses of the user and the last 80 bits in IPv6 addresses with zeros as early as possible in memory. This way, full IP addresses are not stored. In addition, IP addresses are processed at an aggregation level, meaning all data is combined into a group and cannot be processed individually.

For this purpose, the analytics tool Google Analytics is used, which is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies for the aforementioned purpose. The Google Analytics tool places three cookies on your computer (_ga _gid _gat). This is to allow us to collect statistics according to the purpose described above, and they expire after 2 years. The information generated when you use, including your anonymized IP address, is transmitted to Google and stored on servers in the USA. Google’s data transfers comply with the requirements for transfers to third countries under GDPR, as Google LLC is a Privacy Shield company. When a request from reaches Google from ga.js, analytics.js, _utm.gif, or /collect, we add &aip=1 as additional information in the request. This enables us to activate IP address anonymization in Google Analytics, allowing information to be anonymized as described above. Therefore, Kavet does not store personal information longer than necessary for processing purposes.

Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.

Link to Google’s Privacy Policy (link)

Link to Google’s page to change your privacy settings (link)

Rights of the Data Subject:
Kavet cannot identify the data subject. In accordance with GDPR Article 11 (2), the rights of a data processing subject may be waived if it is not possible to identify them. Kavet does not process personal data requiring consent, and you can withdraw your consent at any time. Consent can be withdrawn by changing the cookie settings in your browser.

Transparency and Information:
The privacy requirement stipulates that the data subject must be informed about the processing of personal data. This requirement is met as this privacy statement is available at

In addition, we have added a cookie information banner on the website, providing you as a visitor with information on the processing of cookies, and you can choose whether to consent to the processing or not.

Use of Contact Forms:
The personal information we receive is not used for other purposes and will not be shared with third parties without informing you and obtaining your consent. We do not process special categories of personal data. When we receive inquiries through the contact form on, they are deleted once the request is processed and completed.

Links to Other Websites:
Our website may contain links to other websites. When you use these links and leave our site, we have no control over the other website. Therefore, we are not responsible for protecting your privacy and processing personal data on other websites. You should be cautious and read the privacy statement applicable to the respective website.

Privacy Inquiries:
Privacy inquiries, viewing registered data, corrections, and deletions can be sent to [email protected].

Contact Information for the Data Controller:
Company: Kavet
Organization number: 40003336905
Address: Brīvības gatve 347, Rīga
Phone: +371 67 543 421
Email: [email protected]